Saturday, September 4, 2010

Affiliate Marketing

1. Non-profits: It is simple and FREE for a non-profit organization to be part of the program. A customized online mall with over 1000 online retailers from Amazon to Walmart are available to Shop & Fundraise. Every time supporters of your charity shop at the designated stores, a percentage of the purchase goes to the organization. The more supporters shop at businesses in the Program and purchase products or services that they were already going to buy, the more funds are raised! And you earn money from every single purchase that is made through that organization!

Program Examples

2. For Profit Businesses: Get your Benefit Tool Bar

3. OurGV Affiliates: There are also millions of people that would work with to generate part-time income or millions of dollars a year. These affiliates will be working with other non-profit organizations, website partners, and other home business affiliates all of which you earn income from our amazing two-tiered affiliate marketing compensation plan!

Any for profit company can receive their own toolbar powered by Yahoo, for FREE! We provide the next generation in real time communication, revenue generation, and giving. The toolbar is a simple-to-use platform for regular and ongoing communication as well as a way to stay top of mind, enhance loyalty, and keep people connected all in a non-intrusive and yet entertaining way.

The toolbar contains your company name and provides a link to your company website, the yahoo search where you earn 2 cents each time you click on a sponsored search result, access to your online shopping mall with over 1,500 stores (Walmart, Home Depot, Office Max, etc..), and two customizable links pointing to anywhere on the internet. An additional 2 cents per click will be paid to a nonprofit of your choice.