Monday, August 16, 2010

 It's a big goal, there is no doubt about it. Donating $1 Billion dollars to the world'scharities. There are so many great organizations out there, striving to make a difference. Unfortunately, all of them need the same thing......Money! There just never seems to be enough of it to go has created it's own sister company to help facilitate this massive goal.

 Thru, members of can donate all, or a portion, of their cash rebates from shopping, and all or a portion of their earnings from their home-based
business to any one of the many sponsored charities. will match this donation dollar for dollar up to 10% of the company's profits.

 Regardless of whether or not people choose to make a donation, donates a percentage of every dollar spent thru its website, as well as a percentage of all its
 company-wide profits to charities.

Working with they also help provide support, marketing, free advertising, and excellent public relations to any non-profit that passes's strict requirements.

Working together, we really can make a difference. The best part is, its easy for people
to donate money, because it is money they are earning, for buying the stuff they buy

Can you even imagine how much of a difference $1 Billion dollars can make in the
world today?!!!

Sign up your Non Profit with help from Friends Sprague Public Library here today.